miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016


The Alphabet

Las letras del alfabeto ingles se pronuncian de la siguiente manera: 

  En el siguiente enlace podrás escuchar la pronunciacion correcta de las letras del alfabeto ingles:




        A continuación una lista de los colores en ingles con sus respectivos equivalentes en ingles: 

beige beige
black negro
blue azul
brown marrón
chestnut castaño
fuchsia fucsia
golden dorado
green verde
grey (GB), gray (US) gris
maroon granate
orange naranja
pink rosa
purple púrpura
red rojo
scarlet rojo escarlata
silver plateado
teal verde azulado
transparent transparente
turquoise turquesa
violet violeta
white blanco
yellow amarillo
dark blue azul oscuro
dark ... ... oscuro
deep blue azul intenso
deep ... ... intenso
light blue celeste, azul claro
light ... ... claro
pale blue azul pálido
pale ... ... pálido




Verbs in English have four basic parts:

  Base form -ing form Past tense Past participle
work working worked worked
play playing played played
listen listening listened listened

     Most verbs have past tense and past participle in –ed (worked, played, listened). But many of the most frequent verbs are irregular
Here, it will show a list  of basic verbs:
Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Spanish
answer answered answered responder
arrive arrived arrived llegar
ask asked asked preguntar
be i was / were been ser
borrow borrowed borrowed tomar prestado
break i broke broken romper
buy i bought bought comprar
catch i caught caught atrapar
clean cleaned cleaned limpiar
climb climbed climbed escalar
collect collected collected colleccionar
come i came come venir
compose composed composed componer
cook cooked cooked cocinar
cut i cut cut cortar
dance danced danced bailar
describe described described describir
discover discovered discovered descubrir
do i did done hacer
drink i drank drunk beber
drive i drove driven conducir
eat i ate eaten comer
enjoy enjoyed enjoyed disfrutar
fall i fell fallen caer
feel i felt felt sentir
find i found found encontrar
fly i flew flown volar
forget i forgot forgotten olvidar
give i gave given dar
go i went gone ir
happen happened happened suceder
have i had had tener
help helped helped ayudar
hurt i hurt hurt herir, doler
invent invented invented inventar
invite invited invited invitar
kill killed killed matar
know i knew known saber
lend i lent lent prestar
leave i left left dejar
lie i lay lain yacer
like liked liked gustar
live lived lived vivir
look looked looked mirar
love loved loved amar
make i made made hacer
meet i met met conocer, encontrar
miss missed missed perder, extrañar
open opened opened abrir
pack packed packed empacar
pay i paid paid pagar
phone phoned phoned llamar por teléfono
play played played jugar
prefer preferred preferred preferir
prepare prepared prepared preparar
push pushed pushed empujar
put i put put poner
rain rained rained llover
read i read read leer
remember remembered remembered recordar
rent rented rented alquilar
rescue rescued rescued rescatar
return returned returned volver, devolver
ring i rang rung llamar por teléfono
save saved saved ahorrar
say i said said decir
search searched searched buscar
see i saw seen ver
sell i sold sold vender
sit i sat sat sentarse
skate skated skated patinar
ski skied skied esquiar
sleep i slept slept dormir
smell smelled smelled oler
speak i spoke spoken hablar
spend i spent spent gastar
start started started comenzar
stay stayed stayed quedarse
stop stopped stopped detener
study studied studied estudiar
survive survived survived sobrevivir
swim i swam swum nadar
take i took taken tomar
talk talked talked hablar
teach i taught taught enseñar
tell i told told decir
think i thought thought pensar
throw i threw thrown lanzar
touch touched touched tocar
try tried tried intentar
understand i understood understood entender
use used used usar
visit visited visited visitar
wait waited waited esperar
walk walked walked caminar
want wanted wanted querer
wash washed washed lavar
watch watched watched mirar
wear i wore worn llevar puesto
work worked worked trabajar
write i wrote written escribir



          The verb “to be” is the first verb students learn in their English studies. It is used extensively in the English language and will allow students to create simple sentences with the vocabulary they have learned today.

 Structure of verb to be

Forms of verb to be

Positive, negative and question.











There are two main types of numbers:
  • Cardinal Numbers - 1 (one), 2 (two) etc. (Used mainly for counting)
  • Ordinal Numbers - 1st (first), 2nd (second) etc. (Used mainly for putting things in a sequence)
Cardinal Numbers are normally used when you:
  • count things: I have two brothers. There are thirty-one days in January.
  • give your age: I am thirty-three years old. My sister is twenty-seven years old.
  • give your telephone number: Our phone number is two-six-three, three-eight-four-seven. (481-2240)
  • give years: She was born in nineteen seventy-five (1975). America was discovered in fourteen ninety-two
Notice how we divide the year into two parts. This is the form for year up to 1999. For the year 2000 and on, we say two thousand (2000), two thousand and one (2001), two thousand and two (2002) etc.

Ordinal Numbers

You can normally create Ordinal numbers by adding -TH to the end of a Cardinal Number.
Ordinal numbers are normally used when you:
  • give a date: My birthday is on the 27th of January. (Twenty-seventh of January)
  • put things in a sequence or order: Liverpool came second in the football league last year.
  • give the floor of a building: His office is on the tenth floor.
  • have birthdays: He had a huge party for his twenty-first birthday.

Cardinal Numbers

  • 1 - one
  • 2 - two
  • 3 - three
  • 4 - four
  • 5 - five
  • 6 - six
  • 7 - seven
  • 8 - eight
  • 9 - nine
  • 10 - ten
  • 11 - eleven
  • 12 - twelve
  • 13 - thirteen
  • 14 - fourteen
  • 15 - fifteen
  • 16 - sixteen
  • 17 - seventeen
  • 18 - eighteen
  • 19 - nineteen
  • 20 - twenty
  • 21 - twenty-one
  • 22 - twenty-two
  • 23 - twenty-three
  • 30 - thirty
  • 40 - forty
  • 50 - fifty
  • 60 - sixty
  • 70 - seventy
  • 80 - eighty
  • 90 - ninety
  • 100 - one hundred*
  • 101 - one hundred and one
  • 200 - two hundred
  • 300 - three hundred
  • 1000 - one thousand
  • 1,000,000 - one million
  • 10,000,000 - ten million
* Instead of saying One Hundred, you can say A hundred.
e.g. (127) one hundred and twenty-seven OR (127) a hundred and twenty-seven.
The same rule applies for one thousand (a thousand) and one million (a million)
Notice that you need to use a hyphen (-) when you write the numbers between 21 and 99.
With long numbers, we usually divide them into groups of three which are divided by a comma. e.g. 5000000 (5 million) is normally written as 5,000,000
List of all numbers from 1 to 100

Ordinal Numbers

  • 1st - first
  • 2nd - second
  • 3rd - third
  • 4th - fourth
  • 5th - fifth
  • 6th - sixth
  • 7th - seventh
  • 8th - eighth
  • 9th - ninth
  • 10th - tenth
  • 11th - eleventh
  • 12th - twelfth
  • 13th - thirteenth
  • 14th - fourteenth
  • 15th - fifteenth
  • 16th - sixteenth
  • 17th - seventeenth
  • 18th - eighteenth
  • 19th - nineteenth
  • 20th - twentieth
  • 21st - twenty-first
  • 22nd - twenty-second
  • 23rd - twenty-third
  • 30th - thirtieth
  • 40th - fortieth
  • 50th - fiftieth
  • 60th - sixtieth
  • 70th - seventieth
  • 80th - eightieth
  • 90th - ninetieth
  • 100th - hundredth
  • 101st - hundred and first
  • 200th - two hundredth
  • 300th - three hundredth
  • 1,000th - thousandth
  • 1,000,000th - ten millionth

The Number 0

We normally say 'zero' for the number '0'.
BUT when we give our telephone number, we often say O like the name of the letter O.
e.g. 505-1023 = five-O-five, one-O-two-three

Fractions and Decimals

We use ordinal numbers (at the end position) to talk about fractions.
  • 1/2 - a half
  • 1/3 - a third
  • 2/3 - two thirds
  • 1/4 - a quarter (a fourth)
  • 3/4 - three quarters (three fourths)
  • 1/5 - a fifth
  • 2/5 - two fifths
  • 1/6 - a sixth
  • 5/6 - five sixths
  • 1/7 - a seventh
  • 1/8 - an eighth
  • 1/10 - a tenth
  • 7/10 - seven tenths
  • 1/20 - a twentieth
  • 47/100 - forty-seven hundredths
  • 1/100 - a hundredth
  • 1/1,000 - a thousandth
Notice that for 1/4, you can say a quarter OR a fourth.
IF we have a whole number with a fraction, we use the word AND between the two parts.
e.g. 2 3/5 = two and a three-fifths

For parts of whole numbers, we use a decimal point (and NOT a comma).
e.g. 2 1/2 (two and a half) = 2.5 (two point five)

If there is more than one number after the decimal point, we say each number individually.
e.g. 3,456.789 = three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six point seven eight nine.
The exception to this rule is when we are talking about dollars and cents (or pound and pence)
e.g. $21.95 = twenty-one dollars, ninety-five (cents). Saying the word cents at the end is optional.



